Yearly Archives: 2022

Snakes Make Great Pets
World snake day is held on July 16 and is a celebration of the 3,500 species ofsnakes around the world. Snakes have always had a bad reputation due to themore.. should we say.. dangerous types, but there are snakes out there that aregreat to have as a pet!There are two snakes who are common as […]

World Meerkat Day
Taronga Conservation Australia celebrates World Meerkat day on July 3rdannually. They are the leader in the fields of conservation, research, animalwelfare, wildlife rehabilitation and environmental education. The day is meant toraise awareness and celebrate the cute little creatures.There’s a lot to learn about interesting little guys!Knight in Shining ArmourWhile the rest of the meerkats are […]

Celebrating World Giraffe Day
World Giraffe Day has been initiated by the Giraffe Conservation Foundation(GCF). It falls on the 21st of June annually and is designed to help raise supportand awareness. Zoos, schools, government bodies, and institutions host eventsaround the world! The 2022 goal for World Giraffe Day is to reach a fundraisinggoal of US$250,000.To celebrate world giraffe day, […]

Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Did you know that there is an “island” made up entirely of rubbish and plastic estimated to be approximately the size of Queensland floating in the North Pacific Ocean? First discovered in 1997, the 1.6 million square kilometre Great Pacific Garbage Patch - also known as Trash Island or the Pacific Trash Vortex - consists […]

5 of the Funnest Turtle Facts
Turtles are some of the cutest reptiles on the planet, and they can be found almost anywhere in the world including most continents, islands, and even the sea! Here’s our five favourite fun facts about turtles to celebrate World Turtle Day: Wormy TonguesThe alligator snapping turtle (Macrochelys temminckii) has a worm-like tongue which it sticks […]

Get Involved in Endangered Species Day
Endangered Species Day is celebrated on the third Friday of May every year globally with nature walks, educational talks, and fundraising events to continue scientific advancements of breeding programs.Central Coast Zoo and Amazement Farm & Fun Park Curator Jeni says that special discussions during the twice-daily Wildlife Presentation and Reptile Presentation shows will be held […]