Fantastic Forests

Green Wing Macaw
Green Wing Macaws have spectacular plumage and a personality to match. They are often mistaken for the Scarlet Macaw. However, the Scarlet has yellow on the wings.

Scarlet Macaw
The scarlet macaw (Ara macao) is a large red, yellow, and blue Central and South American parrot, a member of a large group of Neotropical parrots called macaws.

Blue & Gold Macaw
These birds can reach a length of 76–86 cm and weigh 0.900–1.5 kg, making them some of the larger members of their family.

Red-Rumped Agouti
Similar in appearance to a Guinea pig—but larger and with longer legs—red-rumped agoutis are members of the rodent family.

Common Marmoset
Marmosets and tamarins are distinguished from the other monkeys of the New World by their small size, modified claws rather than nails on all digits except the big toe,

Green Iguana
The green iguana is a large lizard. Adults typically grow to 1.2 to 1.7 m in length from head to tail. As in all iguanas, the tail comprises much of this length, and the snout-to-vent length of most green iguanas is

Red Tailed Boa Constrictor
Adult males reach measurements of 8 ft., while females reach 10 ft. or longer. The average snake usually weighs about 30 lbs., but it isn’t unusual for some individuals to reach 60 lbs. or more.