Savannah Sanctuary

African Lion
Lions are large cats with short, tawny coats, white underparts, and long tails with a black tuft at the end. They are sexually dimorphic and male lions are the only cats with manes.

Barbary Sheep
Barbary Sheep is a relatively large sheep. The main pelage of the Barbary sheep is brown; however, the chin, throat, chest, and insides of the front limbs are covered with long, white hair.

Dromadery Camel
Dromadery Camel is a large even-toed ungulate . camels are characterized by a long-curved neck, deep-narrow chest, and a single hump. The hump is composed of fat bound together by fibrous tissue,

Fennec Fox
Fennec Fox has fur on the soles of the feet to enable easy movement over sand. smallest of the canids. They range in size from 0.8 kg in vixens to 1.5 kg in males.

African Leopard Tortoise
The leopard tortoise is the fourth-largest species of tortoise in the world, with typical adults reaching 40cm and weighing 13kg. Adults tend to be larger in the northern and southern ends of their range

Common Ostrich
Common Ostriches usually grow from 2.0 to 2.8 meters and weigh around 63 to 140 kilograms. It has a long, bare neck, slender, robust legs, and a huge body covered with feathers.

Glossy Ibis
The glossy ibis is about 20 inches tall with a wingspan of about three feet. It has a long, dark gray bill that is curved down. It has dark purple to black feathers on its head, neck, back and belly.

African Grey Parrot
Plumage of Psittacus erithacus is various shades of grey with very distinctive red tail feathers. African grey parrots typically measure 33cm from head to tail and weigh up to 407gm.

Egyptian Goose
Long necks, long pink legs, a pink bill and brown eye patches encircling each eye. They are distinguished from closely related species by a brown patch in the middle of the chest.